Corrected an issue where Lynx's rate of fire and reload speeds were faster than intended.Corrected the texture on Infected Lynx's Sleeves.Game no longer locks up when the user receives a friend request while in the Clan Management menu.Warlord ability now functions correctly in game when the player picks up a duplicate weapon that is already in the player's backpack slot.Game invite window no longer takes priority over exit menu.Players are no longer able to glitch through the wall into the sewer in Heavy Metal.Players are no longer able to glitch to the other side of the gate at D2 in Heavy Metal.Players are no longer able to squeeze behind the rafter on the station roof in Heavy Metal.The higher the rank, the higher of quality of items in the reward case. Users will now receive special cases that contains various rewards at certain ranks.You will now receive larger amounts of GP when awarded GP awards for ranking up.non-ACE versions are upgradable, while the ACE versions are customizable.

MYST-N+ crates have been phased out and have been replaced by the MYST-Weapon case.Grey & Black Hi-Sec Cases and Keys have been phased out and have been replaced by the Ghost Hi-Sec Case and Keys.Weapon Renewal Kits have been phased out and have been replaced by the Weapon License.